Where This Flower Blooms

Logline: A reflection on Savannah Arts Academy's Class of 2020 senior year. Reminiscing on the events and emotions that many students had before and after the impact of COVID-19. An in-depth look at Savannah Art's creative motorcade to provide students with the closure of graduating and allowing them to pursue their futures.

Amid COVID-19, Savannah Art's couldn't conduct a formal graduation; therefore, they decided to innovate by creating a motorcade graduation driving around Savannah turning tassels of the graduates. I had the opportunity to film the event, along with it being the class I was graduating with. It was bound to be remarkable. We filmed for three days straight with the craziest camera & audio rig, but we had to be resourceful and innovative. In the latter half of creating this film, it was missing the voice of the students, so I was able to bring together a group of graduates to interview each other and let their voices be heard. It was bitter-sweet recording these interviews because the same day, my grandmother passed, but it was the perfect weather in Savannah to record, so I had to push through. Only a few weeks later, I lost all the footage due to a damaged hard drive, but despite all the setbacks, we were able to recover all the footage and release it for the graduates.  


To Pimp A Documentary (2020)


Golden Hour (2021)